Although California law requires that all motorists carry insurance, not all motorists do. Also, some insurance policies have very small coverage amounts, severely limiting the potential compensation to a person injured by the underinsured motorist.
What would happen to you if you were injured by an uninsured motorist? What would happen if an insured motorist’s coverage was inadequate to compensate you for your injuries?
All automobile insurance policies issued in California have the option of available uninsured motorist coverage. If you elect to purchase this coverage, your insurance company provides coverage to you for your claims for injuries and damages resulting from a motor vehicle accident in which the party at fault is either uninured or does not have enough insurance to provide full compensation for your injuries.
Unfortunately, sometimes an insurance company will dispute the uninsured motorist claim—requiring the insured party to participate in an arbitration in which an arbitrator will decide how much the insurance campany must pay on the claim.
Lininger Injury Lawyers represents clients in these matters from the beginning of the claim all the way through the arbitration. If you have an uninsured motorist claim, please feel free to call us at 800-441-7997.